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 I dislike being by myself. I always make an effort to be busy. Every autumn, depression attempts to get the better of me. I was thrilled to be given the opportunity to take part in the "Year-Round Vegetable Garden" initiative for this reason. I'm not sure what I'll be able to accomplish, but I really want to!

My window garden

My window garden

It is said that on New Year's Eve, your wishes will always come true and everything will always happen. The package from Agroholding "Poisk" came as a surprise and quite swiftly. The post service sent a hefty box to me! The first present of the new year is this!

What a fascinating way to start! What's contained? See for yourself that there's a lot of stuff:

What's within the package Giving thanks for gifts is appropriate. 

So, a big THANK YOU to Agroholding Poisk! What a blessing! Numerous pots, pre-made soil, fertilizers, tags, and even a pencil are included. Of course, the most significant item is a variety of seeds that I have on the windowsill for my garden. Okay, let me roll up my sleeves and start working!

The initial day

 I made my decision about what to plant initially. After giving it some thought, I concluded that if enjoying the endeavor is the primary goal, which for me entails having a wide variety of carefully chosen crops, then I should stop at 17 crops. As they say, if we're going to walk, let's walk and work. I made the decision to thoroughly research the best ways to organize things before I planted the chosen crops. It is essential to prepare the tags prior to seeding. I used a pencil to sign each tag. The crop's name appears on one side, and I identified a particular variety on the reverse.

I made the decision to start with microgreens. This crop can be planted in a variety of methods. I enjoyed the approach that I'll describe below. I was initially drawn to this strategy due to its economical use of land. Since microgreens grow so quickly, I think this is a more efficient way. The only reason I brought my microgreens containers is that they are smaller. There will be more room for growing other crops. I placed a standard cotton wool piece at the base of the glass.

We covered the bottom with cotton wool. 

I covered the cotton wool with 2–3 cm of soil. I should mention that I utilized the "Universal Vermigrunt" soil that Agroholding Poisk provided. I only somewhat compressed the dirt.

We applied a coating of dirt. Another layer of cotton wool makes up the third layer.

A cotton wool layer I used a spray bottle to wet the cotton wool.

Bring the cotton wool wet. 

I then plant microgreen seeds (a combination of radish). I attached the name to a tag.

Radish seeds for microgreens I also use this strategy for planting:

 temp cress, beetroot mix, and daikon mix microgreens. To create a greenhouse effect, I place cling film on top of each container.

We planted watercress, Temp.

We wrap the cling film around the containers.

 The vegetables coriander from Avangard, dill from Gladiator, arugula from Indau Dikovina, mint from Zabava, basil from Shalun, and leaf parsley from Buterbrodnaya are the next in line. I put them in the following arrangement. I covered the bottom with a layer of cotton wool. I covered the cotton wool with a layer of earth and lightly compressed it. I used a spray bottle to wet the soil. Next, I planted the seeds. I covered the seeds with a 1-1.5 cm layer of dirt. I inserted name tags inside them. I placed cling film on top of each container.

Planting seeds I then planted the strawberry temptation seeds.

 I planted the crops differently than I did the prior ones, sparingly sprinkling the earth on top. I used the same method for everything else.

We plant strawberries.

 I then planted the seeds of the Medallion eggplant, Kuzya sweet pepper, Orange Cap tomato, and Mexican bush pepper. Everything in line with the plan: First, I cover the cotton wool with a layer of soil. Next, I use a spray bottle to damp the soil before planting the seeds. Finally, I cover the seeds with another layer of soil. The final layer needs to be compacted, which is the only planting variation in this case. I also remember to use cling film to cover the containers.

We plant seeds of pepper. 

I will not seed the final two crops today. These are F1 City Cucumber and Baby Tomato. I made the decision to soak these crops' seeds for two days.

Allow the seeds to soak. 

My first day has now ended. An extremely significant day. I'm curious to see how things work out for myself. We'll find out in time.

Garden with vegetables by the window
